Teleshuttle Demos

Note: Teleshuttle's proprietary software and online operations services are no longer marketed.
Please view the consulting information on the Teleshuttle home page.
The information shown dates from 1996 or earlier, and remains relevant to the history of CD/online/Web hybrid technology.


Our slickest demo is the Blockbuster Video Guide to Movies & Videos, but it is not packaged in a form for free demo. Please check it out at your local software store or Blockbuster. Only $20.

Demo: Full-function Demo using Folio VIEWS

This demo shows a sophisticated text-oriented application of the Teleshuttle Update Service with seamless integration of access and updates, in a fully functioning demo.

It shows the WHO International Digest of Health Legislation CD-ROM, published by Vista InterMedia Corporation. The viewing environment shown here is VIEWS 3.1 from Folio Corporation. The Teleshuttle user interface and updates are seamlessly integrated using the special Teleshuttle VIEWS Plug-in module, available from Teleshuttle, which exploits Folio's extensibility and shadow file features.

Key elements of the demo are:

The user interface and approach to packaging of updates shown here is just one example of the unlimited variety of ways this technology can be applied. Highly graphic, consumer-oriented interfaces can also be used. Sending of information from the user to the publisher/sponsor can also be done. This can be used for orders, inquiries, surveys, etc.

Download VIEWS demo now

Demo: Prototype Graphic Catalog
with dual Internet FTP/direct-dial communications

This demo is a very crude example, illustrative of a highly graphic application, and shows an early test implementation of our dual Internet/Direct-dial capability.

Please be aware that, the presentation is very rough, with limitations in error handling, messages, and usability/efficiency.

Download Catalog Demo Prototype now

For more information, please contact

Teleshuttle Corporation, 799 Broadway, NY, NY 10003
phone: (212)-673-0225, fax: (212)-673-0226